Did you know that individuals have the right to seek compensation if an organisation fails to comply with GDPR?
Did you also know that complaints about CCTV activity is one of the top three complaints since GDPR came into force?
This represents a new risk to business which will create a huge pressure to comply with the GDPR.
Independent insurtech company Auger believes GDPR could be the new PPI in terms of claims for misuse of customer data. Companies could face a genuine claims case where there has been negligence and damaging effects of misuse by the company of an individual’s data.
Lawyers who specialise in bringing cases seeking damages for personal injury will want to maximise such claims under GDPR just as many have done with PPI (source).
According to some, there is always the risk of a malevolent co-ordinated mass request to put a company’s operations under pressure. Furthermore, claims companies that are looking for ways to stay solvent as the window for making PPI claims comes to an end could see this as an opportunity (source).
PPI claims have cost the banking industry around £30m-£50m a year. Under GDPR, we could see similar figures if companies are not prepared for the changes when they come in.
Your company should of course be demonstrating compliance with GDPR. This can be done by showing that you have taken steps to comply, such as by conducting a data audit to ensure you have the correct record keeping in place. You should be aware that you must respond within 30 days to an information request. Having the processes in place to enable your team to do this is crucial.
What if your organisation receives an information request for CCTV footage? Do you have the process in place should this occur? Under GDPR, your must blur, or redact, sensitive third party information, even on video footage. Your organisation should have access to video redaction technology that is quick, cost-effective, and easy to use. One such solution is Pixelate by Ocucon
Pixelate by Ocucon is web-based, meaning no computing resource is used up while processing video, enabling other work to be carried out without reducing your employees’ performance. Pixelate’s pricing model allows you to purchase only what you need and it has an easy to use interface requiring very little training. With full UK support and listed on the Government Digital Marketplace, Pixelate should be every organisation’s go-to solution for GDPR compliant CCTV.
Your organisation must also ensure that all aspects of its video surveillance programme is GDPR compliant. For tips on this matter, we urge you to read this blog post.